Well done for checking this Webinar out!
As you know, Ron and I have been offering a number of webinars on property investment for over 1 year now. We have realised that often those people who can become great investors due to having great equity and impressive incomes are still stuck in the 9am to 5pm rat race when they can be financially free to enjoy a better lifestyle and do what they love.
So we decided to offer this webinar to address some of those limiting factors most people hold dear. We have been teaching these principles together to hundreds of people across New Zealand over the past 10 years. Good news for you, now we are going to present it to you in a format of a webinar.
Learn The Most Amazing Principles Of Super Wealthy & Follow Them To Become Financially Free.
There are billions of people in the world and only a tiny fraction of them are wealthy. These are the people who have built phenomenal levels of wealth and changed the world in significant ways.
What’s their secret to achieving such impressive accomplishments? What are their belief systems? What gives them the energy to pursue ambitious goals? How did they get to where they are today, and how can you embark on the same journey?
Unfortunately, there’s no silver bullet to becoming the next Warren Buffett, Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos. But there are some wealth-building secrets that millionaires and billionaires used to help them get where they are.
To answer these questions, I spent over 10 years reading and researching the habits, principles, business decisions and lifestyle of 21 self-made billionaires — which I also document in my new online course, “12 Powerful Principles that wealthy know and follow that middle class don’t.”
This time only, in this 1 hour webinar you will hear all the findings and my research.
This 1 hour webinar might prove to be your gateway to your financial freedom, wealth acquiring and the lifestyle you desire.
This webinar with Ron Hoy Fong and Victor Kulakov will be a worthwhile investment of your time.
This event is limited to 30 people ONLY. So take action and REGISTER NOW!
Is your dream to retire young? Better yet, to retire rich? Whether you are planning to retire in 1 year, in 30 years, or you are retired already, you will learn amazing principles accelerating you further towards your financial goals.
Hurry ! The Capacity Of This Webinar Is Limited To 30 Spaces! Register NOW and Secure Your Space!
What You Will Learn
If you have a crazy dream of safeguarding your retirement, then we can help you achieve it. By implementing the strategies you will learn in this webinar, you will be able to move faster towards your own desired future. You will enjoy the freedom your wealth can provide and most importantly, you can live out your passion in life!
After just one webinar, you will walk away with the knowledge of how you can retire rich by by implementing the simple principles you will learn.
What is the placement capacity of this webinar?
For all participants to gain the best value, it’s capped to a maximum of 30 participants.
Will I have a chance to ask questions?
Absolutely YES! We have capped this webinar to a max of 30 people so you can get quality experience and not only learn by listening but also ask questions you might have.
How To Join/The Webinar Instructions:
When you register, we will send you the webinar link with all the info how to join our webinar.
We look forward to meeting you during our webinar.